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Hello There! šŸŒŸ

Hi, I’m Jeremi. I’m currently a graduate student at the University of Sherbrooke in the Videos & Images Theory and Analytics Laboratory (VITAL).

Here, I’m documenting and sharing my learnings and some insights on subject that particularly interests me. I’m also describing some of the projects that I’ve been able to contribute and explore to either during my personal. I try to detail as much as possible the subjects that I choose to document while trying to keep the explanations simple so other people can quickly catch up and better understand.

Research Areas #

  • Reinforcement learning
  • Deep Learning
  • White matter imaging
  • Diffusion MRI

Time relevancy #

I try to keep my notes updated so that they can still be relevant even if things change. Whenever an article is edited to include the latest information, a note will be shown at the top of the article listing all the changes that were made to the article.

Get to know me #

Connect with me on LinkedIn
Get an overview by consulting my resume
Discover my learning in my article reviews
Read more about my projects through my portfolio


Shared Experience Actor-Critic for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

·4 mins
Review of a MARL algorithm that enables learning a set of different policies while sharing gradients from a policy to all others. Thus enabling the agents to learn from it’s own on-policy data and also from off-policy data coming from other agents in that environment.

Particle Filtering Tractography

·1 min
Particle filtering tractography is used to optimize tractography parameters in terms of connectivity and to understand the benefits of a relaxed stopping criterion using partial volume estimation maps.